On March 10, Fabio Ciciliano, the Head of Department, signed the operational guidelines for inclusive planning. These guidelines establish clear criteria for civil protection planning and coordination of interventions to support individuals with specific care needs during emergencies. This term refers to those individuals for whom general measures may not be adequate or sufficiently effective due to temporary or permanent circumstances.
Moreover, the most vulnerable individuals are more exposed during disasters. Therefore, it is essential for them to be aware of the risks they face and to be well-prepared for extreme events.
People with disabilities and special needs often encounter significant challenges, particularly regarding access to information in daily life and during emergencies. They may struggle to have their needs represented by institutions, and there is often a lack of adequate resources and personnel available to assist and rescue the most vulnerable citizens.
In this regard, the document, published in the Official Journal No. 68 of March 22, provides guidelines to the relevant administrations to ensure a proper response to the population’s specific needs during emergencies, both from an organizational and strategic point of view. In this context, Regions, Autonomous Provinces and third-sector entities are called upon to share with the local coordination all relevant information, already in their possession, useful for providing ordinary services. In particular, numerous actors are involved, including health services, social services, Third Sector entities, representative associations and general practitioners, who can support the Mayor in drafting the municipal civil protection plan. The information routinely collected on the needs of the most vulnerable population will facilitate the adoption of appropriate tools and language to improve knowledge of the civil protection plan and, if necessary, to the spread of alerts and warnings.
Of further fundamental importance is training personnel belonging to operational structures and civil protection components on aspects of inclusion and inclusive rescue. This training can be enhanced through the participation of representative associations, organized civil protection volunteer groups registered on the national list, and professionals in the social health sector.
The Head of Department, Fabio Ciciliano, commented on the document: “The operational guidelines for planning civil protection interventions for people with specific needs have been developed through discussions with key stakeholders and operational structures involved in this area, as well as with associations representing individuals with disabilities. This process is rooted in the belief that the active participation of all stakeholders is essential for promoting a growth path that enhances universal accessibility, including in civil protection.“
Fonte : Protezione Civile