IT alert, new test simulating the collapse of a large dam in the Veneto Region

On July 18, at 12 p.m., a test of the IT-alert public warning system simulating the collapse of a large dam will be performed in the Veneto Region. It will primarily affect the Provinces of Treviso and Belluno.

The test will simulate the collapse of the La Stua dam, and the test message will arrive on the switched-on and connected cell phones of residents located in the downstream municipalities that would be affected in a real emergency:

▪ municipalities of Borgo Valbelluna (BL), Cesiomaggiore (BL), Crocetta del Montello (TV), Feltre (BL), Giavera del Montello (TV), Moriago della Battaglia (TV), Nervesa della Battaglia (TV), Pederobba (TV), Segusino (TV), Sernaglia della Battaglia (TV), Setteville (BL), Valdobbiadene (TV), Vidor (TV), Volpago del Montello (TV).

For the collapse of a large dam scenario, the notification text that the affected population will receive will read as follows:

TEST TEST IT-alert test message. There is an ongoing SIMULATION of a dam collapse in the area where you are. To learn what message you will receive in case of real danger, go to TEST TEST

During the days of the tests, citizens will be able to access a dedicated page from the website’s homepage. This page will contain the text of the message that will be sent in case of a real danger, along with a link to a survey. Citizens in the affected areas are encouraged to fill out the survey, even if they do not receive any notification.

The public warning system has been operational for this specific risk since February 13, 2024. However, periodic testing is still required to optimize its effectiveness. These tests are essential to improve the technology, maintain attention to the risk, and raise awareness among the population.

If users receive an IT-alert message with the word “TEST,” it means that a verification of the system’s functionality is in progress. This is necessary to ensure that messages will be sent from the phone cells and received by the devices in the target areas during a real emergency.

Fonte : Protezione Civile