Seismic swarm in the Phlegraean Fields: an update on civil protection activities

A week has passed since the magnitude 4.4 earthquake that hit the Phlegraean Fields area on May 20. The earthquake caused some damage to buildings, particularly in the municipality of Pozzuoli and marginally in Bacoli and part of the area around Naples. This was the strongest earthquake in the last 40 years, connected to the phenomenon of bradyseism that characterizes this active volcanic area.

Monitoring activities. Close monitoring and surveillance of the volcano’s status continues. In recent days, Ingv’s Vesuvius Observatory networks have reported low-magnitude seismic events. Ground deformations are consistent with the data recorded since mid-April, showing an uplift of about 2cm per month. Additionally, the multiparameter geochemical research and monitoring infrastructure in the submerged part of the Phlegraean caldera, extending into the Gulf of Pozzuoli, was reinforced last week.

Buildings inspections. The Civil Protection System is working relentlessly to ensure assistance to the affected population and carry out building assessments. In the Municipality of Pozzuoli, where the earthquake had the most impact, nearly 1,000 inspections have been carried out on private buildings. These inspections were based on requests from citizens and were conducted by teams of technicians from the Municipality, the Fire Brigade, the Campania Region, and the Net Pro volunteer association, which is made up of trained professionals. As a result of these initial inspections, 121 families had to leave their homes as they were considered unfit for habitation. The municipality is in the process of finalizing relevant eviction orders. The Fire Brigade is also currently retrieving household goods from the evacuated buildings.

In the municipality of Bacoli, almost all inspection requests have been processed, and only in one case was it necessary to proceed with the evacuation of a building. Naples has also carried out the necessary inspections of buildings, finding no critical issues.

Population assistance. As of Friday afternoon, the Palazzetto dello sport-Palatrincone in Monterusciello, previously used as a reception area for the population, has turned into a hub for census activities for those who will be hosted in hotels. In the hotels made available by the Campania Region as part of the agreement with Federalberghi, 28 families, about 70 people, have already been housed. At the same time, the activity of assigning accommodations continues. Several families have decided to find alternative accommodation on their own.

Waiting and reception areas set up since the first hours after the earthquake remain available to citizens of the affected municipalities.

Schools. After proper inspections of the buildings, all schools have been reopened, except for three institutes in the City of Naples and two schools in the Municipality of Pozzuoli, which are currently not fully accessible and will undergo prompt restoration interventions.

Fonte : Protezione Civile