The Rolling Stones, Keith Richards ha registrato “I’m Waiting for the Man” in tributo a Lou Reed. Ascoltala qui e guarda il video

Lo scorso 2 marzo Keith RichardsA2 Maxim Ludwig & Angel Olsen – I Can’t Stand ItA3 Rufus Wainwright – Perfect DayA4 Joan Jett and the Blackhearts – I’m So FreeA5 Bobby Rush – Sally Can’t DanceA6 Rickie Lee Jones – Walk on the Wild SideB1 The Afghan Whigs – I Love You, SuzanneB2 Mary Gauthier – Coney Island BabyB3 Lucinda Williams – Legendary HeartsB4 Automatic – New SensationsB5 Rosanne Cash – Magician

Fonte : Virgin Radio