GIS user groups groups are a great way to participate in the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and experiences related to GIS software, analysis, and data management through regular meetings, workshops, and online forums.
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GIS User Groups by State
Listed here are GIS user groups organized by state.
Arizona Geographic Information Council (AGIC)
AGIC’s mission is to oversee and coordinate Arizona’s geographic information development and management. The organization advocates for GIS and related technologies to address challenges, create plans, and manage the state’s resources effectively.
Bay Area Automated Mapping Association
Regional GIS association for the Bay Area in California.
North Bay GIS User Group
The User Group is comprised of North Bay GIS users of all levels and from a wide range of specialties (local government, wine industry, non-profit, public works, public safety, survey, etc.). We meet every other month to share ideas, methodology, and our latest projects. If you are already in the GIS industry or would like to find out more about GIS then come to our meetings, all are welcome.
User group for GIS professionals in local and regional government for the Los Angeles and Orange County area.
GIS Colorado (GISCO)
GIS Colorado is a GIS user group that brings together geospatial professionals in a cooperative setting to facilitate the sharing and support of GIS-related knowledge, resources, and technology. GIS Colorado hosts quarterly meetings.
Hawaii Geographic Information Coordinating Council
(HIGICC) is a private non-profit organization consisting of members of Hawai’i’s geospatial community. HIGICC’s goal is to provide coordination of geospatial activities among a wide range of users in order to avoid duplication of effort, promote data sharing, and maintain data standards throughout the state.
Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals
The Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals (KAMP) promotes networking with professionals involved in mapping and geospatial technologies and the opportunity for them to exchange ideas and experiences; address common problems and concerns; obtain advice; participate in specialized training and education; and gain recognition as qualified and competent mapping professionals.
Maine GIS User Group
Information on meetings, bylaws and newsletters for Maine.
Montana Association of Geographic Information Professionals (MAGIP)
The mission of MAGIP is to stimulate, encourage, and provide for the advancement of an interdisciplinary approach to the use of geographic information. The Association sponsors educational workshops, conferences, forums, educational grants, and scholarships. We work collectively with educators, data creators, data users, application developers and software vendors to foster technical cooperation and promote the development of sound policy and practices that will support the efficient and effective use of geographic information systems.
New England
The New England Chapter of the Urban & Regional Information Systems Association (NEURISA) is a professional organization that provides a forum for: promoting and facilitating the use and integration of spatial information technology, fostering relationships, professional development, and representing the interests of Geographic Information System (GIS) practitioners and Information Technology professionals across the New England region.
New Jersey
New Jersey Geospatial Forum
User group for any individuals interested in the geospatial industry in New Jersey. The group is a restructuring of the former New Jersey Geographic Information Council (NJGIC) and the State Mapping Advisory Committee (SMAC).
New Mexico
New Mexico Geographic Information Council (NMGIC)
The New Mexico Geographic Information Council (NMGIC) was established by individuals across the state who are interested in creating and accessing geographic information for New Mexico.
New York
GISMO is New York Metropolitan Area’s largest GIS users group, with over 400 members from city, state and federal agencies, non-profit organizations and the private sector. GISMO meetings are held every six weeks at the Fund for the City of New York, 121 Sixth Avenue, Sixth Floor.
GIS/SIG is an educational user’s group whose primary mission is to foster the understanding of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology. GIS/SIG provides a professional forum in the Rochester – Genesee Finger Lakes region in New York for GIS education, data sharing, communication and networking with other local, state and national users, dissemination of information about trends and policies related to GIS, and technology advancement. GIS/SIG presents three quarterly programs held at various locations in the region as well as our annual conference.
New York GIS Association
The NYS GIS Association represents the interests of the entire geospatial community within New York and is the premier statewide professional organization for GIS and related industries.
Texas chapter for URISA (Urban and Regional Information Systems Association)
Utah Geographic Information Council
User group for the state of Utah. Site contains information about meetings, GIS data and other resources.
Virginia Association for Mapping and Land Information Systems (VAMLIS)
VAMLIS is dedicated to promoting educational and networking opportunities to individuals and organizations with interests in mapping, land information systems and geographic information systems in Virginia. VAMLIS holds the annual Virginia GIS conference, updates members on legislation affecting the geospatial industry, supports industry certification, and posts relevant job openings for our members.
West Virginia
West Virginia Association of Geospatial Professionals (WVAGP)
The Association is a growing nonprofit organization (current membership of 254 GIS Professionals) involved in digital cartography, geographic information systems (GIS), Global Positioning Systems (GPS), land information systems, remote sensing, and other related geospatial technologies. Members of WVAGP include representatives from local, state, and federal agencies, educational and research institutions, the private sector, and other professional organizations.
WVAGP’s mission is to bring together and build the geospatial community into a cohesive, recognized coordinating body that facilitates the use, development, sharing, and management of geospatial data and communicates the value of geospatial information to citizens and decision-makers.
Esri Wisconsin User Group
The Esri Wisconsin User Group (EWUG) is a community of GIS professionals and enthusiasts in Wisconsin, which focuses on the latest developments and applications of Esri’s geospatial technology. Their events, including annual conferences, provide opportunities for learning, networking, and discussing advancements in GIS, as well as showcasing practical applications in various fields
Wisconsin Land Information Association
The Wisconsin Land Information Association (WLIA) is a group dedicated to fostering the use, understanding, and development of geographic information systems (GIS) in Wisconsin. They emphasize collaboration among various professionals who use GIS, such as urban planners, cartographers, and environmental scientists, to enhance decision-making and resource management in the state.
Wyoming Geospatial Organization (WYGEO)
The Wyoming Geospatial Organization (WyGEO) is a non-profit group for professionals and enthusiasts in geospatial fields, such as GIS, remote sensing, planning, and UAV. WyGEO aims to create a cooperative space for sharing ideas, expertise, and technology to advance the use of geospatial information in Wyoming.
Fonte : National Geographic