Universal Civil Service: applications are open for the new program dedicated to the I don’t take risks campaign

On the Department for Youth Policies and the Universal Civil Service website, the call for applications is available for selecting 52,236 volunteers to be engaged in more than 2,000 Civil Service projects to be implemented between 2024 and 2025 in Italy and abroad. 

The program dedicated to the I don’t take risks campaign, promoted by Anpas in collaboration with the Civil Protection Department and the Cima Research Foundation, is also among the accepted programs for the second year. 

Those interested in “I don’t take risks 365: good civil protection practices 2” will, therefore, be able to choose from one of three related projects, all with a duration of 12 months, based on the locations and themes addressed.

I don’t take risks 365: voluntary work 2” is intended for 10 volunteers to be employed in different Anpas locations in Tuscany to inform the population about prevention topics, knowledge of risks related to the territory, and behaviors to be adopted to reduce their effects.

I don’t take risks 365: the population 2,” also promoted by Anpas, aims to involve 14 girls and boys in planning activities in several municipalities in Abruzzo to make citizens active players in the local Civil Protection System.

Finally, for the project “I don’t take risks 365: the communication 2,” eight volunteers will be selected – six to be deployed in the Department’s two offices in Rome and two at the Cima Research Foundation in Savona – who will assist in the elaboration of multimedia content, the dissemination of good civil protection practices through institutional websites and social channels, and to expand the campaign’s target audience by involving the younger generation.

Communication, active citizenship, spreading good civil protection practices, and social engagement. The 32 volunteers who choose a project related to I don’t take risks will have the chance to understand the principles that drive the campaign thoroughly, meet those who are engaged daily in the field of forecasting, prevention, and emergency activities, and train on relevant and current topics, such as the effects of climate change and risk reduction.

The selected girls and boys will also be able to feel like an active part of the Civil Protection System and closely observe the activities and tools used to monitor the national territory and the actions put in place in case of emergency. They will also have the chance to get to know more closely the reality of organized Civil Protection Volunteering, a vital resource of the National Service in ordinary operations and emergencies, and to live an experience of personal and professional growth by offering their time for the benefit of the community.

All young people between the ages of 18 and 28 who are citizens of Italy or one of the other member states of the European Union or a country outside the European Union, if they legally reside in Italy, are eligible to participate in the Civil Service.

Applications can be submitted until 2 p.m. on February 15, 2024, through the online platform: https://domandaonline.serviziocivile.it.

For more information on the projects related to the program “I don’t take risks 365: good civil protection practices 2” it is possible to refer to the attached forms.

Fonte : Protezione Civile